December 2018 Newsletter

New Year’s resolution

As the end of the year approaches, many of us will be working on our New Year’s resolution.

The top of many people’s list is losing weight.

Some of us have made this resolution every year since we were in high school and still battling to achieve this.

There are a lot of expensive weight loss products on the market which more often than not fail because we are dealing with a busy life and fighting old entrenched habits. We become our own worst enemies every time we step in front of the mirror and onto the scales. A minor set-back can throw us into a binge eating mess which results in another failed attempt.

The most important strategy is being consistent and persistent with whatever strategy you use. If you ‘fall off the wagon’, climb straight back on again.

The following are some steps that can help set you on the right path to a healthier and lighter you.

  • Who put this picture here? This is not the message we want to convey! Although that does look kind of yummy… so… in moderation, OK? Don’t overdo it…

    Avoid processed foods. These foods are often laden with sugar, salt and fat that do nothing to satisfy your hunger. If it’s in a packet, beware!

  • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Nature’s foods are full of goodness and loaded with many of the essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that our bodies need to be healthy.
  • Eat regularly. Skipping meals and starving your body results in increased fat stores and feeling tired. Skipping meals also increases the chance of snacking on unhealthy foods.
  • Drink plenty of water. Your kidneys will love you for it and will make you feel full so you are less likely to snack.
  • Seek medical or psychological help if you are suffering from a mental illness such as depression or anxiety. These conditions not only lead to ill health but can cause weight gain by uncontrolled eating. Eating for some people can be an addiction, so getting the psychological help you need maybe just what the doctor ordered.
  • Exercise every day. Not only will increasing your exercise result in more calories being burnt but also helps with your mental health.
  • Reduce your alcohol. All alcoholic beverages are high in calories and add significantly to your daily energy count.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy New Year’s Resolution making.

Originally published in the Huon News