July 2024 Newsletter

The unregulated market of vaping sales has led to another generation of nicotine addiction. With the ease of import of these products through websites and vaping stores popping up across Australia, many of our youth now have to contend with the health condition of nicotine addiction. The access to vaping …

June 2024 Newsletter

When it comes to mental health treatment, the decision to stop taking antidepressants is not one to be taken lightly. Many individuals may feel tempted to discontinue their medication once they start feeling better, thinking they no longer need it. However, this choice can have serious consequences and should always …

May 2024 Newsletter

When it comes to mental health treatment, the decision to stop taking antidepressants is not one to be taken lightly. Many individuals may feel tempted to discontinue their medication once they start feeling better, thinking they no longer need it. However, this choice can have serious consequences and should always …

April 2024 Newsletter

Being a parent in the age of social media is fraught with the challenges of competing with the dubious wisdom found in the online world. Parents are fighting the tide of marketing from influencers, convincing teenagers to buy ‘Brazilian Bum Bum Cream’ to treat their non-existent cellulite or expensive product …

March 2024 Newsletter

In recent years, the concept of diabetes has expanded beyond the well-known Type 1 and Type 2 classifications. A growing body of research suggests the existence of a third form of diabetes, often referred to as Type 3 diabetes. This emerging understanding challenges conventional notions of the disease and underscores …

February 2024 Newsletter

The correct use of devices to ensure effective and accurate delivery of medication is of paramount importance to ensure appropriate control of medical conditions. At Geeveston Pharmacy, the two most common device issues we encounter are reliever inhaler device (Ventolin, Zempreon and Asmol) blockages and insulin pen device jams. Blockages …

January 2024 Newsletter

Allergies can be a significant source of discomfort for many individuals, impacting their quality of life. Fortunately, with proper prevention strategies and effective treatment options, managing allergies is possible. Prevention is the first line of defence against allergies. Identifying and avoiding allergens is crucial. Common allergens include pollen, dust mites, …

December 2023 Newsletter

Christmas is almost here: a time that can take a toll on many peoples’ health. As pharmacy workers we often find ourselves in a position helping people navigate their relationships among partners, friends and work colleagues. Having strong positive relationships is a foundation of good mental health. Sometimes relationships can …

November 2023 Newsletter

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles can be a painful and uncomfortable condition, but with early diagnosis, prevention strategies, and appropriate treatment, its impact can be minimised. The characteristic symptom of shingles is a …

October 2023 Newsletter

As we grow older, it’s natural to become concerned about our cognitive health. Dementia is a condition many of my patients are concerned about. However, it’s essential to recognise that occasional forgetfulness is a common part of aging, and there are various reasons why we may experience memory lapses that …