July 2019 Newsletter

Proton Pump Inhibitors The medications known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have been a part of therapy for conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease and other acid related disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (oesophagus, stomach and intestines) since the early 1990s. PPIs have effectively and safely managed reflux, healed gastric …

June 2019 Newsletter

Always tired? Do you ever feel like you are always tired and exhausted no matter how much you sleep? If you do, you are suffering from fatigue. Each year, approximately 1.5 million people visit their local doctor about fatigue. Fatigue is a symptom rather than a condition, which is generally …

May 2019 Newsletter

Don’t have the motivation to exercise? Getting motivated to exercise during the long winter months is a hard task for many people. Many of us tend to hibernate away from the cold wet darkness of the winter nights, snuggling up with a hot chocolate and the TV remote. Getting that …

March 2019 Newsletter

Pill testing at festivals … is one of a set of harm minimisation strategies that can potentially save lives. This month’s article will look at why introducing pill testing facilities at festivals will help reduce harm to people and improve the health of our society. In no way does pill …

January 2019 Newsletter

Smoking? The fireworks have stopped and now it is time to put those New Year’s resolutions into action. When it comes to your health, there are many resolutions that should be at the top of your list, including reducing alcohol consumption, increasing exercise, losing weight, eating more vegetables and fruit …

October 2018 Newsletter

Medications during your pregnancy Taking or not taking your medications during pregnancy can be a risky business for both the mother and the baby. When a pregnant mother takes a medication, there is a possibility that this medicine can reach the developing baby through the placenta. Prior to prescribing medications …