June 2022 Newsletter

Over the last couple of months, we have been bombarded with campaigns and policies that have been focusing on health, pinpointing issues such as lack of GPs in rural and regional areas, bed block in public hospital systems and the lack of timely access to specialists and medical services. These …

May 2022 Newsletter

Over the years working as a pharmacist, I have met and helped many patients seek treatment for anxiety disorders. About 25 per cent of people seek treatment for anxiety at some time throughout their lives. Within the Huon Valley, I have noticed many men are reluctant to seek treatment for …

April 2022 Newsletter

The spread of the Covid-19 virus is approaching its zenith and the spectre of the influenza season is upon us. For this month’s article, I will answer some frequently asked questions about the flu and Covid-19 vaccines (current at April 2022). Rules around vaccinations do change frequently so it is …

March 2022 Newsletter

Internet breakdowns last week highlighted our high dependency on communication technology with all banks, EFTPOS machines, internet and most mobiles becoming silent and non-operational. In the pharmacy we could not access e-prescriptions, update vaccinations, receive faxed or emailed prescriptions or pretty much do anything. Everything just stopped. What did happen …

February 2022 Newsletter

Taking or not taking your medications during pregnancy can be a risky business for both the mother and the baby. When a pregnant mother takes a medication, there is a possibility that this medicine can reach the developing baby through the placenta. Prior to prescribing medications to pregnant mothers, health …

October 2021 Newsletter

‘Do your own research!’ is a statement I am seeing frequently nowadays, especially when it comes to COVID-19 vaccination. Perhaps it is a mistrust of anything media related or the explosion of the socials and the amount of misinformation being peddled from people all over the world. Perhaps it is …