March 2021 Newsletter

The Ultimate Gift In life we all have hopes and expectations of what life will be like in the future. Bushfires changed this for many people, COVID-19 changed this and so can a life threatening illness. There are illnesses that can irreversibly damage and destroy organs within our body where …

January 2021 Newsletter

COVID-19 One of the most challenging years in recent history has been 2020, with COVID-19 causing havoc throughout communities and countries across the world. COVID-19 is no ordinary flu, with relatively high death rates (up to 40 times the death rates of seasonal influenza) and long-term health complications. Globally, many …

November 2020 Newsletter

Words and mental health Following the outcome of the American election with accusations flying, threats, protests and a potential tinderbox ready to explode across America, this month’s health article looks at how words can affect our mental health. Now, I don’t usually follow American politics as we have enough of …

August 2020 Newsletter

Look for the positives One of the devastating effects of the pandemic will be the lasting effects on our community. People have died, people have suffered permanent health problems, people have lost their jobs and businesses, communities have fractured, and the country will endure a severe economic depression into the …